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文章出处:147小编 │ 网站编辑:147小编 │ 发表时间:2023-09-09 08:28:03 我要分享


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什么样的稿件内容适合在海外媒体网站发布?海外媒体发布注意事项一、新闻时效性国内客户在发布新闻稿时,首要考虑的问题之一是时效性海外通稿的操作周期相对非常短,一般12个小时就能完成全部的投放工作这里说的全部的投放工作google 搜索留痕,指的是,从拿到客户审定好的终稿后到稿件刊登出来的时间。






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2、稿件字数被谷歌收录的最佳字数是600-800个英文单词左右,这是谷歌算法决定的很多企业认为写得越多越好,其实无论从新闻稿阅读效果和谷歌收录效google 搜索留痕果来讲,都不是最佳的选择写的多了,比如两千字,谷歌 Search Engine web crawler 有可能从字数判断这更像是一篇论文,而非新闻稿。


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四、海外英文新闻发布模板Included in this document are eight press release templates for various events and announcements you may want to share with the public. These templatgoogle 搜索留痕es include prompts for the following

occasions:1. New Product or Service Release2. Fundraising Announcement3. New Partnership4. Company Milestone or Momentum

5. Hiring an Executive6. Winning an Award7. Major Customer Acquisition8. Company Merger/AcquisitionSome of the content in each template varies bgoogle 搜索留痕ased on the purpose of the announcement, while some content blocks are commonplace in most or all press releases. Replace all the bracketed content with information pertaining to your announcement.

每个模板中的某些内容根据公告的目的而有所不同,而某些内容块在大多数或所有新闻稿中都很常见 将所有括号内的内容替换为与您的公告有关的信息For best practices, remember to do tgoogle 搜索留痕he following for all of your press releases.。

为获得最佳实践,请记住对所有新闻稿进行以下操作• Start off with a concise lede – the key announcement and reason you’re releasing the statement. No need to wax poetic – remember to get straight to the point here.。

• Include at least one quote from an executive or someone directlygoogle 搜索留痕 involved in the story. If another party or company is involved, try to source a quote from them as well.

• Whenever possible, break up takeaways and key points into a bulleted list.• Keep the entire release brief

, but provide a link to a product, company, or blog page for more information if you feegoogle 搜索留痕l it would benefit the reader.

• Use the promotion plan template included in this kit to assign tasks and due dates to your team and to maximize the impact of your press release.

•从简洁的角度入手,关键声明和发布声明的原因,无需充满诗意,切记要直达主题•至少包括一位主管或直接参与故事的人的名言, 如果涉及另一方或公司,请尝试从他们那里获取报价•尽可能将要点和要点分解成项目符号列表。

•保留整个发行摘要,但如果觉得对读者有利google 搜索留痕,则提供指向产品,公司或博客页面的链接以获取更多信息•使用此工具包中包含的晋升计划模板为团队分配任务和截止日期,并最大限度地提高新闻稿的影响力New Product or Service。

新产品或服务Use this template for announcing a new service you’ll be providing or a new addition to your product line.

使用此模板可以宣布您将提供的新服务或产品系列的新功能[Press Release Title:8-26words][新闻稿标题:8-26单词][City, State]: [Companygoogle 搜索留痕 name] today announced [name of new product/service], a new [product/service]. [Name of new product/service] is [description of product/service] and offers a new way for [target customer type] to [benefit or features].。

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the product/service],” says [name], [google 搜索留痕title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

Features and benefits of [product/service] include.• Benefit or feature #1• Benefit or feature #2• Benefit or feature #3

[Product/Service] will be available starting [availability date], at [price point]. For more information on [product/service], visit [URL google 搜索留痕of product page].

About [Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Fundraising融资活动If you’ve raised a round of fundraising, announce it with this press release template.

如果您已经进行了一轮融资,请使用此新闻稿模板进行宣布[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: [Comgoogle 搜索留痕pany name] today announced a new round of series [letter] funding of [sum of money] at a valuation of [total valuation (if you choose to disclose)]. This round of funding was led by [name of lead investor] with participation from [name of other participating investors, if applicable].。

“[Quote from igoogle 搜索留痕nvestor representative about the funding],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the funding],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

This new round of funding will be used to [main reason of fundraising]. Specifically,google 搜索留痕 the areas that the company will focus on are:

• Area of focus #1• Area of focus #2• Area of focus #3[Summarize the company’s growth accomplishments to date so readers are caught up on the company’s progress].

About [Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, igoogle 搜索留痕f applicable].

New Partnership建立新伙伴关系This release is for announcing partnerships and/or product integrations.此版本用于宣布合作伙伴关系和/或产品集成。

[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: [Company name] today announced a new partnership with [partner/company name]. This partnership will [goal of

partnership to negoogle 搜索留痕w and existing customers].“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the partnership],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

“[Quote from new representative of the partner about the partnership],” says [name], [title] at [partner company]. “[Additional quote].”

使用动作动词,如“购买”、“了解更多”google 搜索留痕等。3.2 关键字选择3.2.1 相关性和质量分数选择与您的广告内容和目标市场相关的关键字。关键字的相关性和质量分数对广告排名和成本非常重要。

The benefits of this new partnership include.• Benefit or feature #1• Benefit or feature #2• Benefit or feature #3

About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Abougoogle 搜索留痕t [Partner]: [3-4 sentence description of the new partner and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Momentum or Milestone公司里程碑[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: [Company name] today announced [description of momentum or major milestone]. This milestone is a major move for [company nagoogle 搜索留痕me] on its mission to [main goal of company]

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the milestone],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

This news comes in the wake of many recent initiatives and accomplishments of the company, including:

• Initiative or accomplishment #1• Inigoogle 搜索留痕tiative or accomplishment #2• Initiative or accomplishment #3[Additional quote, if desired].

To learn more about [milestone], click here [link to website page about the milestone].About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Hiring an google 搜索留痕Executive聘请高管Announcing a new CEO, executive, C-level professional? Tell the world your good news with this template

宣布新的首席执行官,高管,C级专业人员, 使用此模板向全世界传达您的好消息[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: [Company name] today announced that [name of new executive] will be joining [company] as [title], effgoogle 搜索留痕ective [date

of joining].[Name] will be joining company from [former company], where [he/she] was [former title] for [length of tenure]. [Name] will be brining [his/her] experience in [area of

expertise] to [company] to [goal of company or role].Additionally, [name]’s experiences that will benefit [cogoogle 搜索留痕mpany] moving forward include:

• Experience 1• Experience 2• Experience 3“[Quote from new executive about joining the company],” says [name]. “[Additional quote].”

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the hiring],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

[Additional quote, if degoogle 搜索留痕sired].About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Winning an Award获奖You won an award? Congrats! Use this template to publicize the great news.你获奖了吗? 恭喜! 使用此模板可以宣传好消息。

[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: On [date of award wigoogle 搜索留痕n], [award giver] named [company] the w

inner of [award] at [event]. The award recognizes [reason for award]. Previous winners include [name previous prestigious winners of the award, if appropriate].

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the award],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additiogoogle 搜索留痕nal quote].”

“[Quote from award giver about your company’s win, if available],” says [name], [role] at [award giver]. “[Additional quote].”

[Input additional content about the award, the ceremony where it was presented, and/or the methodology

of award selection, if appropriate].About [Your Company]: [3google 搜索留痕-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Major Customer Acquisition大客户合作披露Finally, you signed that household name company as an official customer

. Use this template to highlight the achievement and the details.您以正式客户的身份签署了该家喻户晓的公司 使用此模板突出显示成就和细节[Press Regoogle 搜索留痕lease Title:8-26words]

[City, State]: [Company name] today announced it has signed on with [customer name] as their [product/service name] for [function of product/service]. [Company name] is excited to partner with [

new customer] to provide [benefit of product/service].“[Quote from higher-up in the google 搜索留痕company about the new customer],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”

“[Quote from customer about partnership],” says [name], [title] at [partner company]. “[Additional quote].”

[Additional brief overview of the deal’s details and/or benefits, if applicable].About [Your Company]: google 搜索留痕[3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

About [Partner]: [3-4 sentence description of the new customer and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

Merger/Acquisition合并/收购If you’re merging with, acquiring, or being acquired by another company, annougoogle 搜索留痕nce the news and briefly outline the details here.

如果您要与另一家公司合并,收购或被另一家公司收购,请在此处发布新闻并在此处简要概述详细信息[Press Release Title:8-26words][City, State]: [Company name] today it has [merged with/acquired/been acquired by] [company], effective [date].。

“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the new merger/acqgoogle 搜索留痕uisition],” says [name], [title] at [your company]. “[Additional quote].”

“[Quote from higher-up in second company about the new merger/acquisition],” says [name], [title] at [second company]. “[Additional quote].”

For more information on how the [merger/acquisition] will affect current customers, plegoogle 搜索留痕ase click here [link to further information].

About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

About [Other Company]: [3-4 sentence description of the new customer and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].

以上8个模板为常用仅供参考,其他行业或者内容也可以作参考google 搜索留痕对海外媒体不懂怎么才能把稿件发布到相对应媒体网站上呢?海外新闻稿发布方式1、境外社交账号自助发布(脸书、推特、Instagram、YouTube、博客等主要平台), 境外的自媒体平台发布,跟国内的。


即定向投放到某些媒体、某些领域、某些国家或区域;但和国内媒体不同,海外发稿一般都是套餐形式同时间将稿件展示在几十家甚至上百家媒体上,个别媒体是能够单独发布要选择合适的媒体公关公司合作如google 搜索留痕蓝狮问道专业的媒体人,能够有效对稿件内容进行初步的评估和给出合适修改建议,深挖媒体资源,发挥线上线下的互动效应,有效降低推广成本,为客户带来更多附加价值。



媒体优势发布渠道:包含Apnews、Yahoo、Agence France-Presse、彭博社、俄新社、欧洲新闻社、阿纳google 搜索留痕多卢通讯社、安莎社、Digital journal、Kyōdō Tsūshinsha、欧洲新闻社等知名媒体;



